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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

how things change

This is how the Spider cover started - the story was about Geo. Washington
(and his dental problems). Initially I was going to show George brandishing
a large toothbrush, riding his toothy horse, and followed by numerous smiling
animals displaying brilliant smiles. The background was to be reminiscent of
paintings of the period. I thought about it a while longer and somehow that
changed to George shopping the sales for false teeth.  

this was so much more fun....


Susan Miller said...

That is so terrific, they must have loved it. Just wonderful. Great solution. Very fun. Great post.

Hotlibrarytech said...

I love your photos - so very cute! Question for you: Did you doodle and draw as a child?

paperswans said...

Thanks, and yes, I did draw my way through childhood - when I wasn't reading!